The Message of Christ
Sermon Outlines
The North Jackson Avenue Church of Christ is eager to share the gospel of Christ to the world. If you are interested in hearing the sermon, please check out our Facebook page. Each Lord’s day at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. we live stream the sermons. They are also archived there to stream at your convenience. We look forward to you joining us in studying God's Word.
Sunday's Sermon Outline
Improving In 2025
Ephesians 4: 17 - 32
Growth and improvement will come when we set our eyes and work toward Jesus. It is easy to talk in generalities and never get started.
Ephesians 4: 20
There is a need for improvement. Paul taught improvement. We need to hear and be taught the truth in Jesus. Paul also writes to Titus that we can grow in God, looking for Jesus' coming.
Titus 2: 11 - 14
Christ wants us redeemed, purified, different from the world. This takes improvement in the Lord.
Titus 2: 6 - 8
Young men also should show a pattern of good works. This is not only for the young, but for all. We can all grow and be alive in Christ or die spiritually and be lost eternally.
Matthew 5: 14 - 16
We come out of darkness to be the light of Christ. As we improve, our light will shine and God will be glorified.
Colossians 1: 10
Paul writes to be walking worthy, fruitful and increasing. Growing and increasing in the knowledge of God will keep our eyes on Jesus.
Matthew 10: 22
We need to move forward in Christ. The world will not be happy with our growth in Christ. We will need to set our focus on eternity.
Acts 20: 22 - 24
Paul had his eyes set on finishing the course. Paul would not let anything keep him from the grace of God.
Philippians 3: 13 - 14
Paul tells the brethren that he strives to not look back, but to keep looking forward. Paul believed and taught that the prize of the high calling of God was worth even dying for. He was not there yet and had to press forward daily.
1 Peter 4: 7
Peter knew time was short and wrote to watch and pray. We are closer than Peter was to Christ's coming. It should be our goal to be watchful and prayerful today. There is a need to get started in 2025. We talk a lot, but what COULD we do? We cannot do everything we would like to do, but we can do something.
James 1: 22 - 27
James writes to be doers. To get started. James sums it up. Be ye doers, continue, control your tongue and visit.
Matthew 7: 21
Only doers will enter heaven. Jesus knew there would be many "wanta be's", but few actual doers.
1 John 2: 17
Only the doers of God's word will endure. Where will you be? What will you do to improve yourself?
1 Corinthians 11: 28
Let each of us examine ourselves. We can improve ourselves by reading a book of the Bible, give up a bad habit, go on a diet, pray everyday, don't tell a lie, don't curse and many more other ideas.
Ephesians 5: 22 - 25
We can improve our families. We can be more loving, help one another without complaining, do something good for your family, do something that you have promised to do for them, just to name a few.
Hebrews 10: 25
We can help improve the congregation where we attend. Come to all services, be on time to services, study the Bible lesson before coming to class, send cards of encouragement, visit or call a shut in or someone who is sick, forgive one another, be a better example and give as we have been blessed. Surely, we can do something to improve ourselves, improve our family and improve our congregation. It is the little things that get done and make a difference. Above all let us pray that we might do something more in 2025, if it be the Lord's will.
Hebrews 6: 3